
@Article{ gilbert1972,
	author = {Loy J. Gilbert},
	title = {Salt of the Earth: Making Salt at the {N}eches {S}aline},
	journal = {Chronicles of Smith County, Texas},
	volume = 11,
	number = 2,
	month = {Fall},
	pages = {1--12},
	year = 1972,

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Basic timeline for Brooks Saline:

Year Info
1850 William Briggs making salt at Neches Saline
1857 Thomas Gardiner and Frost Thorne divided saline land
1859 J. S. O. Brooks moves to Smith County with 19 slaves
1861 Brooks and Charles Chamberlain lease Thorne daughters’ land
1861 Brooks buys Chamberlain’s interest in salt works
1863 Brooks purchases Thornes’ section of Bean League outright
1865 Brooks leases saline to his son, W. B. Brooks
1870 Father-son lease between the Brooks terminated
1871 W. B. Brooks purchase the land from his father

Salt manufacturing appears to cease around 1871 at Brooks Saline.